CIP in collaboration with NMHP Jharkhand invites applications from eligible candidates for filing up the following posts for State Tele MANAS Cell and Mentoring Institute of Jharkhand under proposed National Tele Mental Health Programme. (On a contractual basis in Jharkhand State as indicated below)It is proposed to fll up the follwing posts at State Tele MANAS Cell and Mentoring Institute (Central Insttute of Psychiatry, Kanke, Ranchi) on contract basis for a period of One Year. Accordingly applications are invited from the eligible and desirous candidates fulfiling the qualifications for the posts mentioned below.
Applications are invited on the prescribed format given below, may be submitted to the undersigned before 10.03.2023. Preference will be given to those who are having work experience in NHM/Tele MANAS. Shortlisted candidates name with their respective date of interview will be displayed on the website after scrutiny. Candidates are instructed to visit the website regularly forthe update.
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