Hello dear friend now you can reading Social Worker topic. We can discuss about concept of Social Worker. This concept in included topic about Social Worker like  What is Social Worker ? , What exactly does a social worker do ?,  What is the study of social work ? , what is a social worker salary ? , Selection Process for Social Worker ? , how to become a social worker ? etc.


Social Worker

What is Social Worker ? 


Social work definition : A social worker is an organization run by various departments of the Central and State Governments, social welfare projects, women and child development projects and programs, certain classes, education, medical etc. Joining the department or a group of people working for another person or classes themselves.


What exactly does a social worker do ?

The post of social worker is in social work committees, social welfare projects, women and child development projects and programs etc. run by various departments of the central and state government. In most cases social workers are appointed as temporary / contract employees in these institutions. Social worker functions are related to the smooth implementation, monitoring, evaluation and awareness of social welfare schemes or activities of the concerned department or organization. Among the skills required to become a social worker, it is important that you are interested in social work and you want to do more about the up liftment of the lower classes.

What exactly does a social worker do ?



What is the study of social work ?

What requirements are needed for a social worker ?

Indian Social Worker become after he successfully passed graduation with Social Study course are BSW / MSW. 

Mostly in case Social Worker study are Bachelor of Social Work (B.S.W) , Master of Social Work (M.S.W). Then after completed this education he / she can join with ever any top NGO in best position.

To become a social worker, it is necessary that the candidate must have graduated from a recognized university as well as a post graduate degree or diploma in Social Work / Psychology / Counseling. Apart from these, candidates with the following qualifications are given preference for selection to the post of social worker.

  • Bachelor of Social Work (B.S.W)  
  • Master of Social Work (M.S.W)


what is a social worker salary ?

social worker salary : There are good opportunities for salaries in the field of NGOs, Government sector and social work. An international NGO can give you good salary of experienced & Honest employee. Apart from this, initially social worker salary have 10 to 15 thousand rupees a month. After a few years of experience, you can get a salary of more than one lakh rupees. Apart from this, a social worker also gets opportunities to earn money from research, writing, field work etc.

  • Do social workers get paid well ?
    • If a social worker has such experience and knows every field and has the ability to do any work, he gets a very good attractive salary.
    • Initially, a social worker can get a salary of 15 thousand to 20 thousand in any field.
    • If you are in a good position on top level NGOs, you can get salary up to one crore or more annually.


Selection Process for Social Worker ? OR how to become a social worker ?

Selection process of social worker : Candidates for the post of social worker are usually selected on the basis of interviews. On the other hand, if more applications are received than vacancies or permanent recruitment is to be done, the organization concerned can also conduct a written examination for shortlisting the candidates. 

Is Social Work a good career ?

Big question of all new fresh people are Is social work a good career for me ?. Social worker careers is best answer is Big YES.. because you have work for social then you are not only work for salary you fill exactly you work for all social , people , School, Hospital etc. Social work in you reach salary big package and if you become  successful social work then you know all person of your area, State, County and sometime all world.
  • Reasons to Consider a Career in Social Work
    • Social Workers Change the Society, State, Country, World. 
    • You will find many job opportunities a various fields.
    • Social work leads to self-improvement
    • Social workers change people's lives.
    • Social worker Can create a very large educated society.

Selection Process for Social Worker ?